What is implant?
Implants (tooth transplantation) are artificial tooth roots, which are generally made of titanium and placed in the jawbone in order to provide the function and aesthetics of missing teeth. It is the best alternative that provides the function and aesthetics of natural teeth. Stopping the melting of the jawbone, which is one of the important problems that occur with tooth loss, can only be achieved with implants today. While implants provide better speech and chewing function than traditional veneers and prostheses, they also bring a natural appearance to your face. Today, implants are the most important development of dentistry in the 21st century.
Implant treatment is a completely safe treatment when performed by specialist dentists. In implant treatment, which generally has a very high satisfaction rate, 98% success has been achieved today. In many cases, it has been observed that the implants remain in the mouth for up to thirty years without any problems. Implants are now considered as long-lasting as teeth. Especially after the age of 35-40, implants in many cases last longer than the treatment of natural teeth. After all, these artificial tooth roots can be used for a lifetime. Metal supported superstructures are built on these roots. The closest to nature is metal-supported zirconium. You can click here to get information about other treatments.
Turkey Implant Prices
Implant prices in Turkey vary widely according to the brand. Generally, European and Korean implants are used in the market. In addition, domestic ones have been used in recent years and their success rates are increasing day by day. Domestic implant prices are more suitable than imported ones.
Can each patient be implanted?
Since they have a certain width and height, the bone structure in the jaw must be suitable for the application of dental implants. The bone structure of the patient to be treated should also be wide and high enough to carry this implant. The suitability of the patient’s bone structure positively affects the success of the implant. If the patient has a bone deficiency, some bone grafting and soft tissue grafting techniques can be used to adapt the patient’s bone structure to the application. If there is no problem in the health status of the cases who want to have an implant, there is no age limit to have it done. However, in very young cases, it is required that the patient has completed adolescence.
Belli bir genişliğe ve yüksekliğe sahip oldukları için dental implantların uygulanabilmesi için çenedeki kemik yapısının buna uygun olması gerekmektedir. Uygulama yapılacak hastanın kemik yapısı da bu implantı taşıyabilecek kadar genişliğe ve yüksekliğe sahip olmalıdır. Hastanın kemik yapısının uygunluğu implant başarısını olumlu yönde etkiler. Eğer ki hastanın kemik eksikliği varsa uygulanacak bazı kemik ekleme ve yumuşak doku greftleme teknikleri ile hastanın kemik yapısı uygulama yapılmasına uygun hale getirilebilir. İmplant yaptırmak isteyen vakaların sağlık durumlarında herhangi bir sorun yoksa, yaptırmanın yaş sınırı yoktur. Ancak çok genç yaştaki vakalarda hastanın ergenlik çağını tamamlamış olması şartı aranmaktadır.

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